Fridays 7-9pm / Grades 6-12 / @ TUGGERS CAMPUS
More young people in Canberra are turning to Jesus than ever before. They’re realising that there’s more to life than what we see with our eyes - there’s a higher purpose to live for than living for ourselves.
Jesus is the only one that can bring complete wholeness, peace, and a hope for eternal life. We’ve found that hope, and we invite you to find it too. Join our community of young Jesus-followers - you’re invited whether you believe yet or not.
We meet every Friday during the school term at the Tuggers campus.
We can’t wait for you to be part of the crew <3
- Ps Hamish + The Youthedge Team
WHAT IS A Discipleship Club?
DC’s (Discipleship Clubs) are mixed groups of teenagers in our youth. When you join a DC you instantly become part of a little family, a crew, a squad - your new best friends.
DC’s are our way of making a big youth group feel small. When you come to youth for the first time, you’ll meet your DC Leaders who will make you feel welcome and introduce you to other people in your DC.
Every club has a DC leader. Your leader is there to look after you, check in with you during the week, and help you on your journey of following Jesus!